Crochet Blogs: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Your Membership Info
The Ring Code
Rules Questions
Report a Blog

What is a blog?
A blog is similar to a journal in which entires (called posts) are written on a web site. Blogs are often focused on a particular topic. In the case of the Crochet Blogs web ring, that topic is crochet.

What is a web ring?
A web ring is a collection of web sites with a common theme. The sites in a web ring are joined by a piece of code displayed on each site that allows visitors to navigate from site to site within the ring. It varies by web ring, but the code can include a button or image representing the ring, links to the previous and next sites in the ring, a link to the home page or join page of the ring, a link to a random site in the ring, and a link to the list of sites in the ring.

What is my Site ID?
Your site ID is a number unique to your blog. It can be found in your ring code. If you have your ring code on your blog, you can see your site ID there. If you have the e-mail you received from RingSurf when you joined Crochet Blogs, your Site ID is in it. If you don't have either of these, contact me.

What is the Ring ID?
The Ring ID is crochetblogs.

I've forgotten my password. How do I find it?
Go to the RingSurf Forgot your password? page. In the box labeled Ring Member Lost Password, enter the Ring ID crochetblogs and your Site ID to get your password e-mailed to you.

How do I update my info (URL, blog title, e-mail address, etc.)?
On the RingSurf log in page, in the section labeled RING MEMBER, enter the Ring ID crochetblogs, your Site ID, and your password. You will be taken to a page where you can enter your info.

How do I add the ring code to my blog?
Please see the Help page for instructions.

I can't find my ring code. How can I get a copy of it?
On the RingSurf log in page, in the section labeled RING MEMBER, enter the Ring ID crochetblogs, your Site ID, and your password. See below to find out your password or Site ID if you have misplaced them. If you are using your correct password, site ID, and Ring ID, but still can't get your ring code for some reason, contact me.

Why do I have to put the ring code on the main page of my blog?
The code needs to be in the same place as your most recent posts, which should be the main page of your blog. When people are surfing the ring, they need to be able to easily read your most recent posts and also quickly find the ring code to surf to the next site. The ring code has been made very small and attractive so that it will fit nicely on a blog sidebar.

I can't put the ring code on the main page of my blog. Is that okay?
No, the ring code must be on the main page of your blog, not on a web rings page or on a profile page or anywhere else. Otherwise it's too difficult to navigate between sites and visitors give up surfing the ring.

What does the ring code look like?
The typical code looks like this, although they may not all look exactly the same depending on the color and formatting of links on a particular blog.

crochet blogs
Previous | List | Next

Do I have to use the button in my ring code?
Yes, it helps visitors find the code and surf to the next blog. The exception to this would be some blogs that have specifically chosen to use text only and no images at all either in their ring list or in their entire sidebar. In that case, your code can be formatted similar to your other rings/links. Below are some examples of a text-only ring code. Please contact me if there is any question.

Crochet Blogs
Previous | List | Next

« ? Crochet Blogs # »

Why wasn't my site approved for the ring?
At a minimum, all blogs in the ring must adhere to the rules. It is ultimately my decision whether a blog gets in and/or stays in the ring. If you were not approved for the ring and you feel your blog has changed and now meets the requirements, you may apply again.

I'm still in the queue. What's taking so long?
There may be a large number of sites in the queue (including numerous spam sites that keep joining and I must delete) so it may take longer than you expect. If your are uncertain of your status, you may contact me.

Why have a rule against profanity?
It's not an outright ban, but I find regular use of profanity to be unnecessary and unpleasant in a crochet blog, and that's not the atmosphere I want to cultivate for this web ring.

Does my blog have to be written in English?
Not necessarily. However, I need to read and approve the content of your blog. If your blog is not in English, I will use an online translator to try to read your blog. Regularly posting photos of your crochet will help your chances of getting in (and staying in) the ring if your blog is not in English.

I've been busy or something has come up in my life that I can't blog right now. Can I stay in the ring anyway?
It is a lot of work to keep a list of blogs in the queue and remember why each one is there. Unless there are particularly extenuating circumstances, I would prefer that you leave the ring and rejoin later.

I'm writing about other things right now, so I'm not blogging about crochet for a while. Can I stay in the ring anyway?
It is a lot of work to keep a list of blogs in the queue and remember why each one is there. I'm sorry, but you will have to leave the ring and rejoin later.

I saw a site in the ring that I don't think adheres to the rules or shouldn't be in the ring. What can I do?
Contact me and let me know what the problem is. I'll look into it.

Any Questions?
Thank you for reading the FAQ! If you didn't find the answer to your question, contact me.